La zambombá, una tradición en Jerez de la Frontera

The lighting and “the "zambombá" ” Sherry mark the start of the Christmas

By: Autocaravan Areas - Published: 3 December, 2019

With the bridge of December, practically we get full into Christmas. Events such as the different promotions, which prepare the ground by making sure that people forward their purchases, or the increasingly early on of the lightsthey are responsible for it. This last, it is becoming more and more of an event in the big cities. It is also a time of celebrations pre-christmas as “the "zambombá" ” Sherry.


Lighting christmas, already in progress

To date of today, almost all the locations with lighting christmas have power already or will be doing so shortly. Some cities, such as Seville, this year have advance even a week more of this power. Others, like Vigo, they have made the lighting a tourist attraction. What is clear, is that a walk through the city centre and enjoy the lights and decorations have a special charm. Many people are fond of this type of tourism. If you are one of those people and in addition traveling in a motorhome, we have the perfect plan for you, since we have rest areas in sevilla, Round, Granada, Cádiz, A Coruña, Vigo, Pontevedra, Murcia, Alicante, Madrid, Barcelona or Girona.


“The "zambombá" ” Sherry, a tradition that continues to

The prologue of the Christmas in Jerez matches a year with the festivities of “the "zambombá"”, that have acquired significance, important to the city. “The "zambombá" ” is a cultural manifestation of ethnological interest in the it has long reign, the character group, popular, and spontaneity. Normally, it is performed in spaces where the community was the day-to-day, as the courtyards of neighbors, pens, squares and streets. In these places, the neighbors remembered texts learned by oral tradition and diverse themes accompanying to the characteristics zambombas.

Today, this celebration is not only still performed, but that is recognized as of Cultural Interest. A tradition that you can see first hand when you stay with your motorhome at one of our areas in Jerez.


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