
Cookie Policy

In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you of the use of cookies on the company's websites and applications in order to facilitate and improve navigation for users, remembering where navigated the website, preferences and display settings.

Remember that before you start using any of our services or functionalities, you should read the specific section on them in this Cookies and Privacy Policy, as well as in the Terms of Conditions. In this section you can see if there are any particular conditions for its use, or if it requires a specific treatment of your Personal Data.

Types of cookies

Depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from where the cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, two types can be distinguished:

  • own cookies: They are those that are sent to your computer from our own computers or domains and from which we provide the service you request.
  • third-party cookies. They are those that are sent to your team from a team or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. As, for example, those used by social networks, or by external content such as Google Maps.

There is also a second classification according to the period of time that they remain stored in the client's browser, which may be:

  • session cookies: They are temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your browser until you leave the web page, so none is recorded on your computer's hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the web. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience to improve the content and facilitate its use.
  • persistent cookies: They are stored on the hard drive and our website reads them every time you make a new visit. A permanent website has a specific expiration date. The cookie will stop working after that date. We generally use these cookies to facilitate purchase and registration services.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which the data obtained is processed:

  • technical cookies, They are those necessary for navigation and the proper functioning of our website. It allows, for example, to control traffic and data communication, access parts of restricted access, carry out the process of purchasing an order, use security elements, store content to be able to broadcast videos or share content through social networks.
  • Personalization cookies, They are those that allow you to access the service with predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria, such as the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc. .
  • analytical cookies, They are those that allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the statistical measurement and analysis of the use that users make of the services provided. For this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the offer of products and services that we offer.
  • advertising cookies, They are those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that could be included on our website.
  • behavioral advertising cookies, These cookies store information on the behavior of users obtained through continuous observation. Thanks to them, we can know your browsing habits on the Internet and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.


III. Cookies used on the web


cookies own
Type Name Function
Cookie acceptance Viewed_cookie_policy It is the cookie that is created when you accept the cookies policies of the page.
Cookie CMS PHPSESSID_hjIncludedInsample Session Cookies, CMS Functionality.
third party cookies
Type Name Function
Cookie analíticaDe Google _ga_gid

Anonymous browsing data that allows to know what is consulted and how to navigate within the webs. The ga library can configure the following cookies: -utma: distinguishes users and sessions. -Utmt: used to limit the percentage of requests. -Utmb: used to determine new sessions or visits

-utmc: no se usa en ga.js.

-utmv: store visitor custom variable data

-utmz: stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user got to the site.


Cookie analíticaDe Google _gat_UA-xxxxxxxx-x_dc_gtm_UA-xxxxxx-x Google analytical tracking cookies. Used to limit the percentage of requests. Limited Duration.
Cookie analíticaDe Google NIDCONSENTDV Contains a unique ID that Google uses to remember your preferences and other information Viewing maps using the Google Maps application.
Cookie analíticaDe Facebook .fr Cookie of the link on the web to social networks.
Cookie analíticaDe Doubleclick.net IDEID Cookie used by Doubleclick.net to collect information anonymously, including the number of visits to the website, from where the visits and the web pages visited have arrived.
  • How to modify the configuration of cookies

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this website in your browser settings. In each browser the operation is different, the "Help" function will show you how to do it. Here are some links with the configuration of the browsers most used today. You can copy the links and paste them directly into your browser:

.Internet explorer

.Mozilla Firefox
support.mozilla.org/es/kb/Borrar cookies

.Google Chrome

Chrome para android:


.Safari para IOS


  • Consent

On this website we never store the personal data of our users, with the exception of the IP address as described above, unless you want to register, voluntarily in order to make requests about our products and services that we make available to you or to receive information about promotions and content of your interest.

By browsing and continuing on our website, you indicate that you are consenting to the use of the aforementioned cookies, and under the conditions contained in this Cookies Policy.

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