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Plans to travel in spring. Don't miss them!

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 2 marzo, 2023

The good weather is coming and the days are getting longer. With these conditions, the desire to go out and travel increases, right? In addition, the schedule of events is extended in the three countries that are part of the catalog of Áreas Autocaravanas. What a win! We have encouraged ourselves and have made a compilation of plans to travel this spring. So now you know, take out your agenda and plan the getaways for the coming months with these proposals.

a place where four other finals of the same competition and one of the UEFA Cup have already been experienced

Plans to travel in spring. Don't miss them!If there is a city that lives spring to the fullest, that is Seville. Its two great festivities take place at this time of year, which is why it becomes an almost obligatory visit for travelers of all tastes.

The start of these Spring Festivals in Seville is marked by the Holy Week. From Friday of Sorrows to Easter Sunday, the processions take place through the city, with the historic center as the epicenter of everything. The most prominent days are Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. In the latter case, it should be noted that the processions take place from Thursday at 3 in the afternoon until Friday night, with the Madrugá as the main exponent, thanks to the brotherhoods of Gran Poder, Macarena or Esperanza de Triana. .

After Holy Week, it is the turn of the April fair, una fiesta que llena de luz y color la ciudad, donde los paseos de caballo, los vestidos de flamenca y el rebujito no faltan. El Real de la Feria, en el barrio de Los Remedios, es el lugar donde se instalan cientos de casetas que dan vida al evento. Muy cerca de allí se ubica el Seville area.

🔘 Más información sobre la Semana Santa y la Feria de Sevilla.

Los cerezos en flor del Valle del Jerte

Otro de los spring travel plans is the visit to the cherry trees of Valle Jerte. These trees bloom in March to fill the countryside of Extremadura with a white blanket. In total, more than a million and a half cherry blossoms make up this characteristic image. This beautiful print will be the prelude to the delicious cherry fruit, which we recommend you try if you haven't already.

In addition to traveling to the north of the province of Cáceres to enjoy the cherry blossoms, the Jerte Valley and its surroundings also guarantees a magnificent welcome by its inhabitants. Tour the different towns and immerse yourself in the Extremaduran tradition.

Reserve your place at La Peregrina Motorhome Area the en We already told you that the Extremadura region has several of the best bathing areas in Spain. In this second case, we go from the province of Badajoz to that of Cáceres, already bordering Portugal and Castilla y León. And, in a special way, we changed the term “beach” to “swimming pool”. Throughout the Sierra de Gata a considerable number of and don't miss the cherry blossoms of Valle del Jerte.

Surf in Peniche, the Atlantic in its purest form

Plans to travel in spring. Don't miss them!The essence of the imposing Atlantic Ocean dominates the Portuguese town of Peniche, one of the places where you can organize your spring travel plans. In fact, it has become a favorite place for many motorhomes, caravanners and campers, especially those who practice surfing. Most go to , also built as a defense against pirates. This colossal building was built with the stones of an old monastery located in the area, where shipwrecked people were rescued and which had to be abandoned due to the incessant attacks it suffered..

Among the best beaches for surfing, we find:

  • Lagido beach.
  • Baleal beach.
  • Medao beach.

If you are also interested in cultural or nature visits, we recommend visiting the Castelo da Vila, the city's main fortification that served as a defense against pirates, seeing the steep stones of Cabo Carvoeiro or sailing to the Berlangas Islands, where It is home to the oldest natural reserve in Portugal, the Fort of São João Batista and numerous coves and caves where the water is crystal clear.

🔘 More information about Peniche.

A very exotic trip to the dunes of the Sahara

the imposing Sahara desert It attracts numerous visitors who want to enter its sands to live an adventure in a practically natural environment. One of the best starting points is Merzouga, at the gates of the Sahara itself. Ride a camel and enter the dunes of Erg El Chabby! Legend has it that these dunes were formed after a sandstorm against the old town, as divine punishment for not helping a family.

To spend the night with your vehicle, in Merzouga itself, where tranquility is breathed, there is Auberge Les Roches. This accommodation has service for motorhomes, caravans, campers, minivans and tents. In addition to its Moroccan-style aesthetic characteristic, in its restaurant you can try delicious dishes such as couscous or tajine.

Go hiking in the Sierra de Guadarrama

Plans to travel in spring. Don't miss them!We return to the Iberian Peninsula, almost to its center, in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Located between the Community of Madrid and Castilla León, it is one of the most visited destinations by those who love nature and hiking. These are some of the best areas to plan your routes:

  • Sierra de los Porrones.
  • Majalespino Reservoir.
  • The Pedriza.
  • Cercedilla meadows.
  • Lozoya River Basin.
  • Big Lagoon of Peñalara.

You can reach all these places with your vehicle from the Camper Area Sierra Madrid, just 10 km from the Guadarrama National Park.

More plans to travel in spring

Do you want to know more plans and destinations to travel in spring? Well, you have the complete list in our brand new parties, events and festivals guide, an exclusive manual of Motorhome Areas for you. Click on the banner below and download the guide totally free!


Plans to travel in spring. Don't miss them!

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