
Arrested a man after trying to steal several motorhomes

By: Autocaravan Areas - Published: June 7, 2018

Several motorhomes parked had damage to the locks

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A citizen security patrol that was carrying out surveillance tasks in the area went to the indicated place and located a man in the vicinity who responded to the characteristics provided by the caller.

Arrested a man after trying to steal several motorhomesThe ertzainas proceeded to identify the suspect and verified, at the same time, that several motorhomes parked in the place had damage to the locks on their doors, that the bowlers had been manipulated.

After carrying out the necessary checks, the agents arrested the suspect accused of a crime of robbery with force. The arrestee was subject to an arrest warrant issued by a Bilbao Court.

The detainee was transferred to a police station to carry out the pertinent procedures, before being presented before the Judicial Authority.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
fuente: http://www.deia.eus

Few things are as unpleasant as being robbed, an inconvenience that becomes more worrying and stressful if we find ourselves in the middle of a trip. However, it is possible that it will happen, since according to Police statistics the average time to rob a house is less than 7 minutes, but only 2/3 minutes are enough to rob a motorhome.

To prevent this type of event from areasautocaravanas.com we have some tips that will make things more difficult for friends of others:

– The choice of parking place is essential:

Expert users ensure the first impression of a place is key when deciding if it is a suitable place to leave our vehicle. If we were to scale from most dangerous to least, the places to avoid completely are highway rest areas, followed by unattended parking lots, unattended town and city parking areas, streets, and, at the lowest level, alto, campsites and specialized areas for resting caravans and motorhomes. We mainly recommend choosing motorhome areas that have surveillance for your peace of mind.

– Keep things of value out of sight:

Always try to leave the interior well tidied up and without valuables in sight. Since on many occasions bags, wallets, documentation is usually left on the cabin seats. You should also not leave technological objects uncovered, which are currently preferred by thieves for the resale options they offer.

– Always close doors and windows:

Even if the ride is going to be short, you think you will be able to watch your vehicle at all times or you think you are in a safe area, you should always close doors and windows. Also, never forget the keys on.

– It is recommended to park at a safe distance from other motorhomes:

For thieves it could be the perfect hiding place and bridge to steal both vehicles.

– Location of the vehicle using GPS:

It seems somewhat complicated, but it is much simpler than complex contraptions. It would simply be necessary to leave a mobile phone with active GPS hidden in the motorhome and with an application that allows locating the coordinates. Thus, in the event that our vehicle is stolen, we can report it to the Police and offer the coordinates of its possible location.

We hope that with these tips you can prevent friends from outside from breaking into your motorhome and you can enjoy your trips without mishaps.


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