
Concerts and theatre in Baelo Claudia

By: Motorhome Areas - Published: June 15, 2017

The theatreConcerts and theatre in Baelo Claudia of Baelo Claudia It is located in the urban framework of the city of Baelo Claudia that was born in the s. II BC in a highly strategic area such as the Strait of Gibraltar. Its origin and subsequent development are closely linked to the development of salting industries and trade with North Africa, being a port of union with the current Tangier. Built in the 1st century AD, approximately around 70 AD. The space, located on a slope to settle the stands, was intervened, restored and consolidated in several archaeological campaigns, allowing limited cultural use, highlighting its special location and unparalleled views over the cove.

As in previous years, during the month of August a series of outdoor performances will be held in a privileged environment such as the Baelo Claudia Theatre. All shows start at 10:00 p.m.



  • From August 3 to 4, Andalusian Flamenco Ballet.Concerts and theatre in Baelo Claudia
  • August 5, The Maze of the Minotaur
  • From August 9 to 12, The Golden Ass
  • From August 16 to 19, Trajan.Optimus Princeps
  • From August 23 to 26, The feast of women
  • From August 29 to 31, The Trojan
  • From September 1 to 2, Women eternal

The capacity for these representations, thanks to the improvements made these years through the Agency with the installation of fixed stands, reaches 500 spectators. More information on the Culture website Board of Andalusia.

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