Dónde ir en Halloween en autocaravana

Routes rv for Halloween

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 17 octubre, 2019

It is about the night more gloomy of the year for the anglo-saxon world. Thursday 31 October, thousands of children and not so children, iran in the guise of skeletons, witches or who knows what asking for candy by the streets of their neighborhoods, and although this tradition is not so ingrained, more and more people want to celebrate theEve of All Saintsfollowing the american style. Halloween is the perfect excuse for many to take up again in their costumes terrifying or going out for a few drinks in an atmosphere more gloomy and dark. But it is also the perfect time to organize a getaway and get out of the routine.

This year Halloween night falls on a Thursday, so it is not a long bridge as on other occasions, although November 1 is always a holiday. If you decide on a quick getaway for a few nights, Reserve your space for motorhomes with sufficient advance notice. And who doesn't want to rest at least three days and discover the mysteries of this feast. The bridge of All Saints is perfect for this. We show you some proposals.


Andalusia, south of Spain

A path with calm, with temperatures that remind us at the end of the summer, and a variety of destinations and activities to suit all tastes:

  • Merida area
  • Seville area
  • Area La Jabega
  • Bologna area
  • Tarifa area
  • Parking The Port of Santa Maria
  • Area of Ubrique
  • Area of Jerez de la Frontera
  • Area Cabo de Gata (Almeria)


Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community

And what about this area? Costa Calida, if you forget the coat, it doesn't matter. A place where you'll find cuisine, culture, healthy life. We propose where to go with your motorhome:

  • Area Olives Camperpark
  • Area Casablanca
  • Area Calpe Lights
  • Area Ball of Alicante
  • Area Alfafara Camper park Alicante



We propose two activities are very different, visiting a farm is a century old whose vineyards and producing wines in both sparkling and white you will love, or the visit to Girona from one area to 7 minutes walk from the centre of the city with a great cultural heritage as the Cathedral, the Jewish quarter, the Arab Baths, the Rambla, The city Wall, the Devesa, etc..

  • Area of Girona
  • Finca Nadal Barcelona


Downtown Area

Surroundings of Madrid, with sites of great historical interest and tourist because of its closeness to emblematic places such as the Bulls of Guisando, the Marshes of San Juan and Burguillos, The Castle of the Corracera, The Church of San Martín de Valdeiglesias or even the enchanted forest and Monastery of Santa Maria, also Zafra de Zancara of the province of Cuenca. Together with the A3 stands out for what remains of settlements that are preserved few traces of the iberians, visigoths and muslims.

  • Area San Martin de Valdeiglesias
  • Area Was 214



October in Galicia it is a month of contrasts: rain and cold may be followed by days of light and warmer temperatures, but it is also when it opens the season of birds, it Is a time in which some birds of northern travel to the south to spend the winter in Galicia, while others continue their journey fall into latitudes further south. A good plan is to go to the beaches more bravías that, from this month and throughout the winter, they look more wild. It is very interesting to come to los Cabos to see different species of birds and the sea state. Never forget your good food.

Places to go with your motorhome:

  • Area Camping Santa Tecla
  • Area Camper Car Playa Arneles Pontevedra
  • Area Naturmaz La Coruña
  • Area Yakart La Coruña

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