
I'm not going to wait to retire to have a motorhome

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 1 febrero, 2017

No, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to wait until I retire to have my motorhome. Because even when I get wrinkled, osteoarthritis begins to limit my body, perhaps because I have a lot of grandchildren, maybe I don't have the strength to climb the step...

No, I'm not going to wait, I'm going to travel now, to visit Spain, Europe and the rest of the world.

Even now I don't have so much time, nor so much money, but I'm not going to save even a dream for a retirement that may not come. Because now is when I want to visit Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia and not in 30 years, don't let anyone convince you to postpone your dreams. If you want to have a motorhome, don't wait until you have more time, more money, more age, because probably, when that comes, everything else will have vanished, and you won't be able to do anything.

If your body asks you to travel and you don't have money, don't be afraid, we started with a small van, without a toilet, without a shower, with hardly any space, but we were very happy.

I'm not going to wait to retire to have a motorhome

If you think that when you retire you will have more time, believe me, you won't, something new will always come up that will prevent you from fulfilling your dream. Because when hypertension, diabetes or eyestrain has taken its toll on your life, you probably won't have the strength to fight for that dream. Don't wait for this to happen.

While if you have already fulfilled your dream, if you already have a camper, a caravan or a motorhome, nobody will stop you from traveling, it will be waiting for you at the door and you only have to take a little hop to start the trip, it is easier to subscribe to a dream in progress, than starting it from scratch.

I can't promise you that getting a motorhome will be easy, but if you really want it, you will find a way to do it.

Si de verdad lo quieres, hazlo, no esperes. Y no dejes que nadie te diga eso de «Voy a esperar a jubilarme para tener una autocaravana» los sueños no esperan.


Fuente: autocaravanaymanta.com

If you already have a camper or motorhome and you still don't know our areas, ideal places to park with surveillance, overnight stays, and many other services (depending on the area), you can read more information about them, here in the Areas section. If you have any dúda please contact us.



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