monumental-hiker-meridaRuta Monumental Octavio Augustomonumental-hiker-meridamonumental-hiker-meridamonumental-hiker-merida
This is a tour of monumental-hiker-merida and that has an estimated duration of monumental-hiker-merida.
monumental-hiker-merida MONUMENTAL ROUTE TRACKER OCTAVIO AUGUSTO, and will run, combining the natural part of the rivers, with the monumentality of the city, the adaptation of its banks for the enjoyment and enjoyment of citizenship, integrating itself into the city as its lung and green area.
, and will run, combining the natural part of the rivers, with the monumentality of the city, the adaptation of its banks for the enjoyment and enjoyment of citizenship, integrating itself into the city as its lung and green area.
, and will run, combining the natural part of the rivers, with the monumentality of the city, the adaptation of its banks for the enjoyment and enjoyment of citizenship, integrating itself into the city as its lung and green area.
The route is organized by the Hiking Club, Emerita Augusta , and will run, combining the natural part of the rivers, with the monumentality of the city, the adaptation of its banks for the enjoyment and enjoyment of citizenship, integrating itself into the city as its lung and green area.
All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club:
All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club:
All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club:
Teatro Romano Merida area
Area Roman Theatre of Mérida
The Roman Theater Parking is today one of the most modern car parks in Mérida, equipped with the most modern technological facilities in terms of security, accessibility and comfort, while also having a renewed and innovative image, being its proximity to all the Monuments of the Historic Center of Mérida, a remarkable fact over other car parks. Located next to the Roman Circus and Casa del Mitreo, and a 5-minute walk from the Roman Theater and Amphitheater, it is noteworthy that in just 10 minutes on foot you can go anywhere in the Historic Center: Aqueduct of Miracles, Temple of Diana, Roman Bridge, etc….
Early booking online
All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club:
All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club:
If you have any dúda All information about the test and registration will be found on the website of the Organizing Club: