reunión de autocaravanas en Suecia

The meeting of the motorhomes in Sweden

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 22 febrero, 2015

The clubClub de Motorhomes of Swedenhas organized a meeting of its partners in Huercal Overa in order to celebrate its annual petanque championship using the area of rv local, the attendance of about 50 vehicles is expected.

This club has more than 12,000 members in your country, which gives us an idea of ​​the repercussion that this event can have and the great promotion that it represents as a tourist destination for this small population.

The attendees at the meeting will make use of the sports pavilion of the town to celebrate the quoted championship of petanque and you will enjoy your stay in this beautiful town, it is the intention of the management the club Huercal Overa become the place where this championship is held every year.

We see how there are reasons to promote motorhome tourism, it is one way, yet another, of tourism and therefore a generator of wealth for towns and cities that know how to correctly welcome these vehicles and their users.

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