
Exposición «Velázquez-Murillo» en Sevilla

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 23 noviembre, 2016
From the Tuesday, November 8, 2016 (All day) Up Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (All day) you can visit the exhibition at the Hospital de los Venerables, Focus-Abengoa Foundation Plaza de los Venerables, 8. The Focus-Abengoa Foundation presents the sample Velazquez. Murillo. Seville.

The exhibition, which has the special collaboration of the Prado Museum, brings together 19 works by the two great masters and is curated by Gabriele Finaldi, director of the National Gallery in London.

With it, the Focus-Abengoa Foundation commemorates the 25th anniversary of its installation at the Hospital de los Venerables.

In addition to the Prado and the Focus-Abengoa Foundation, there are loans from institutions such as The National Gallery in London, the Louvre Museum, The Wellington Collection, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the Museum of Fine Arts in Orléans, The Frick Collection in New York, Meadows Museum in Dallas, The Nelson-Atkins Museum in Kansas and the Villar Mir Cultural Fund.

Source: visitasevilla.es

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