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The de-escalation until a safe trip. The motorhomes are going to roll again

By: Motorhome Areas - Published: May 7, 2020

In the process of de-escalatedWe motorhomes are waiting for new developments. At any time we can move again with our vehicle. It is true that there is a little left to make a safe trip, following the measures of the guide that we provide. But the progress of the phases bring us new features to consider.

With phase 1, the Government will allow meetings with a maximum of ten people. Keeping distances, of course. To this measure we must add that the bars and restaurants will return to provide service on their terraces, as well as the opening of museums. In other words, social life gradually takes to the streets. But how does this translate into mobility? Well, it is planned, of course, that vehicle trips will increase. This means that security measures will have to be taken that will also affect our sector.

How to make a safe motorhome trip

The measurements to move in vehicles have different readings depending on what we use. The general norm establishes that those with nine seats will be able to fully occupy themselves if all the passengers reside at the same address. In cases where this circumstance does not occur, other people can also go, but wearing a mask and occupying only two seats per row.

In the case of caravansWhen being pulled by a car, it is governed by its ability to carry a certain number of people. For the Motorhomes and Campers, the new situation will be much more permissive. Taking into account that its seats range between two and seven, with two seats per row, we can travel with the whole family, taking into account that the province in which we are located has passed to phase 1.

From Áreas Autocaravanas We will be very pending to inform you. As they arise new measures on vehicle mobility and occupancy, conditions that will depend on the time of each phase and the province, we will be there from this blog and social networks so that you can know everything about it.

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