
63 Classical Theater Festival: "Archangel Concert with The New Bulgarian Voices and Ana Moura"

Por: Áreas Autocaravanas - Publicado: 16 agosto, 2017



Two main objectives can be seen on the horizon: on the one hand, to achieve a natural and profound dialogue between two musical genres that are a priori distant, such as traditional Bulgarian music and flamenco. Distant, but at the same time very united in their forms of expression since both musics are based on a journey that starts from the primitive to the current, in the attempt that the fixed structures on which they are based have the capacity to be ductile. and adaptable to more contemporary currents. On the other hand, there is the goal of successfully overcoming the challenge that I always set for myself, in each and every one of my concerts: that of creating a suitable environment so that each occasion is a unique experience for the spectator.

Ana Moura

Ana has emerged as one of the leading representatives of traditional fado, at the same time that the revered genre has enjoyed a new boom in popularity. The professional relationship that the singer has with the composer, producer, arranger and guitarist Jorge Fernando has helped Ana to stimulate her artistic development and has provided her with a fascinating musical repertoire. “Today”, explains Ana, “there is a new generation whose lyrics are related to our times. There are also some old fado songs that we, the young singers, cannot interpret, since the lyrics are about themes and times with which we do not identify ourselves. We don't feel it as our own and fado is basically feeling. We must feel what we sing, and there are many old fados that do not belong to our generation. Younger singers use song lyrics that portray current affairs, so young people have become interested in this music again.”

In Troyanas we invite all those mythical women that the winners shared after the Trojan War as spoils, deciding with impunity about their lives and their futures. We ask you to explain yourself, because in addition to all that violent and unfair treatment, there is also the way of making them go down in history as if they had chosen their destiny with pleasure and pleasure, or with malice when what they had they chose… We want to give them the opportunity to tell us what really happened and what they felt, from their point of view and their way of feeling. And after we have listened to them, we will finally have the opportunity to judge them.Archangel: sing; The New Bulgarian Voices: choir; Giorgi Petkov: choir director and arrangements; Dani de Morón and Rycardo Moreno: flamenco guitar; Antonio Forcione: guitar; Agustín Diassera: percussion; José Manuel Posadas “Popo”: bass/double bass; Ana Moura: voice

Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Ernesto Alterio, Alba Flores, Maggie Civantos, Pepa López, Míriam Iscla, Gabriela Flores Web Festival Theatre Classic


Archangel: sing; The New Bulgarian Voices: choir; Giorgi Petkov: choir director and arrangements; Dani de Morón and Rycardo Moreno: flamenco guitar; Antonio Forcione: guitar; Agustín Diassera: percussion; José Manuel Posadas “Popo”: bass/double bass; Ana Moura: voice Archangel: sing; The New Bulgarian Voices: choir; Giorgi Petkov: choir director and arrangements; Dani de Morón and Rycardo Moreno: flamenco guitar; Antonio Forcione: guitar; Agustín Diassera: percussion; José Manuel Posadas “Popo”: bass/double bass; Ana Moura: voice


If you are autocaravanista visit the Area of Autocarvanas Roman TheatreAitana Sánchez Gijón, Ernesto Alterio, Alba Flores, Maggie Civantos, Pepa López, Míriam Iscla, Gabriela Flores

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