
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us, therefore, the object of the present privacy policy of the website https://areasautocaravanas.com/ is to inform our users of the processing of personal data carried out by MONOGESTIÓN AC (hereinafter, AREAS for MOTORHOMES).

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April, 2016 and relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, AREAS for MOTORHOMES guarantees that the personal data of its users will be treated according to the principles of transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality; meet that in any case the obligations and guarantees arising from the regulations.

Precisely for this reason, with the purpose of informing our users of how their data are processed by AREAS RV, informing them of the following aspects related to your right to the protection of personal data.


  1. Who is your data?
  2. What is personal data and that data are processed by AREAS RV?
  3. What is the purpose of the treatment of my personal data?
  4. What is the legitimacy for the processing of my data?
  5. How long do you retain my personal data?
  6. Do you share my data with third party recipients?
  7. How automated decisions are made with my personal data?
  8. What are the rights that AREAS RV I guaranteed with regard to the processing of my personal data?
  9. Measures of security and confidentiality in the processing of their personal data.
  10. Change in the privacy policy.

background-motorhomes_webWho is your personal data?

  • CIF: B90088337
  • POSTAL ADDRESS: C/Jimena de la Frontera 314 mailbox 2, 11380 Tarifa (Cádiz)
  • PHONE: 619 26 13 25
  • E-MAIL: info@areasautocaravanas.com
  1. What is personal data and that data are processed by AREAS RV?

It is considered as personal data and all information of an identified or identifiable natural person whose identity can be identified, directly or indirectly, by an identifier such as your name, postal address, e-mail or phone number, etc

From AREAS RV we treat the personal data that users provide us for the provision of the services offered by the Platform AREAS RV. For this reason we inform you, that the categories of primary data that is collected by the users are identifying details and postal addresses and/or electronic, etc

Likewise, we inform you that, on the basis of the principle of data minimisation, the treatment AREAS RV of your data, it will be appropriate and relevant, limited to those necessary in function of the purposes for which they are collected; and respecting, in all cases the preferences of the user, if and when these accept expressly and freely and unequivocally to the processing of your personal data.

  1. What is the purpose of the treatment of my personal data?

In AREAS MOTORHOMES we treat the data of users for the provision of our services, as well as for other purposes that the users we authorized in the terms informed in this Privacy Policy.

However, during the term of the relationship with the user, may be incorporated, in addition to other personal data to achieve this or other purposes; to which the user will be duly informed at the time of collection of the same

The user is responsible that the personal data you provide to AREAS MOTORHOMES are true, accurate, complete and up to date; being responsible for any possible harm that might happen as a result of a breach of this obligation.

  1. What is the legitimacy for the processing of my data?

For the purposes of treatment of your data AREAS RV informs you that the bases legitimadoras for the treatment of your data, that is to say, that empowers AREAS and CAMPERS to treat their data, are the following:

  • The provision of a service brokerage Platform AREAS RV of character to be optimal for the User.
  • The legitimate interest of the Users in order to provide the service with the highest quality.
  • The express consent on the part of Users (Hosts and Travelers), which allows us to treat the data when the user so authorizes previously expressed.
  1. How long do you retain my personal data?

From AREAS RV, in compliance with the principle of limitation of term of conservation, we inform you that the personal data collected will be processed exclusively for the time strictly necessary and for the purposes for which have been obtained in each case. Unless a legal provision for compulsory establishment of a conservation period superior for reasons of legal certainty, and to attend to complaints from the Users.

  1. Do you share my data with third party recipients?

AREAS RV warrants that, during the period of duration of the treatment of data, the personal data of its Users, understood as such by the Hosts and the Travellers, will not be disclosed or transferred to third parties, except as necessary for the fulfillment of the intended purposes.

However, in case of being necessary the transfer of personal data to third parties, will be requested in advance by AREAS in MOTORHOMES the express consent, informed and unambiguous to its users.

Similarly, the sharing of personal data when it is legally enforceable in compliance with the legal regulations in force that may be applied to such effect.

  1. How automated decisions are made with my personal data?

It informs users what kind of RV will not complete the implementation of automated decisions, profiles, or logic with the personal data collected from its Users.

In case of being necessary, the automated decisions will be carried out provided that the User has previously been informed of the general or particular conditions of the same.

  1. What are the rights that Áreas Autocaravanas I guarantee with regard to the processing of my personal data?

In accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations on data protection, AREAS for MOTORHOMES it guarantees Users the exercise of the following rights relating to the right to the protection of personal data:

  • Access: any user has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether in AREAS like the RV we're trying to the personal data that concern him / her or not, and in such a case, has the right to obtain information on whether personal data are being subjected to treatment.
  • Rectification: the users have the right to request the rectification of data which are inaccurate or incomplete, as well as carry out the correction of the possible errors that will contain your data.
  • Suppression: it allows the data to be deleted and, therefore, no longer be treated in AREAS RV when the data are not necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, unless there is a legal obligation to conserve and/or prevail on other grounds that legitimate AREAS RV for your treatment.
  • Limitation: in certain circumstances the users will be able to request the limitation of the treatment of your data, that is to say, that the limitation of the data implies that AREAS RV has of stopping the future treatment of their data, in which case, only be retained for the exercise or defense of potential claims.
  • Opposition: as in the previous case, users may oppose the processing of their data. As a result, AREAS RV will treat the data, except for legitimate reasons compelling, or the exercise or defense of potential claims.
  • Portability: the user has the right to receive their personal data and be able to pass it directly to another responsible.

In accordance with the provisions of, if the user has given his consent for any particular purpose, have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

For the exercise of the rights may use the forms provided by AREAS RV, indicating visibly the specific right is exercised. You can also send an e-mail to the e-mail address info@areasautocaravanas.com.

  1. Measures of security and confidentiality in the processing of their personal data.

From AREAS MOTORHOMES we take care to ensure the security, privacy and the confidentiality of the personal data of its users. Therefore, in compliance with current legislation, we are committed to adopt stringent safety measures and adequate technical means to prevent the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to your personal data.

In this way, the personal data you AREAS RV receives by means of the communications or contact you may have with your User, will be treated with absolute confidentiality, committing to preserve the secrecy of the same and guarantees the duty to keep taking all necessary and reasonable measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation.

  1. Changes in the privacy policy.

AREAS CAMPERS will be able to update this Privacy policy at any time, provided that in those cases in which the upgrade involves new treatments of data, or substantial changes to the current up to the moment, to communicate to the user of the changes and updates carried out.

The update of our Privacy Policy, once you communicate to the users, shall imply the knowledge of the same by all the users in the terms set out in the new privacy policy.

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