nueva normativa para autocaravanas y campers 2025

We analyze the new regulations for motorhomes and campers that will arrive in 2025

By: Motorhome Areas - Published: July 11, 2024

Changes are coming for the motorhome community in 2025, a year that will mark the beginning of a new regulations that will influence the use of motorhomes and campers, due to the boom that this type of vehicles is experiencing. In fact, there are currently almost 9,000 motorhomes registered in Spain, three times more than just a decade ago, so it was necessary to take new measures regarding their use, circulation and parking.

From Áreas Autocaravanas, as in-depth experts and professionals in this sector, we review the most important developments in the future regulations, as well as the conditions that they will establish for parking, the advantages it entails and the points that will remain pending to be resolved.

A new decree to modify the General Traffic Regulations

The need to review the regulations related to the use of motorhomes was evident, since the growth of the motorhome community in Spain It required a proposal that would facilitate its integration into daily life, in an efficient, flexible and accessible way, but that at the same time was capable of regulating aspects of the infrastructure.

After the negotiations of the sector associations with the DGT, it has been decided modify the General Traffic Regulations through a new royal decree which is already in process and is expected to end up coming into force during the next year 2025. This initiative aims to unify criteria at the national level, since vehicles with these characteristics were found in different contexts depending on the area, due to the application or not. of municipal ordinances that restricted the parking of motorhomes and the like.

What do the new regulations say about motorhomes and campers?

When the new General Traffic Regulations come into force, The new regulations will indicate that motorhomes and campers will be able to park like other vehicles, a fact that will provide a level playing field for our motorhomes and completely change the concept of traveling with them. Therefore, it will be easier and more comfortable to move from one place to another during motorhome routes, there will no longer be a need to resort to alternative means of transport to get to certain places.

Conditions for parking motorhomes and campers

This regulation includes a series of specific instructions that travelers must take into account when parking:

  • Do not display external elements, such as awnings, tables, chairs or others, beyond the perimeter of the vehicle.
  • The vehicle must be kept on public roads on its wheels or on safety wedges approved.
  • The spilling of liquids is totally prohibited. from the cabin to the outside.
  • City councils will continue to have the power to regulate the parking of vehicles, according to their dimensions and weight.. To this we must add that there are other vehicles that are not included in the regulations, such as caravans or housing vans, which is why there are voices that continue to demand broader inclusion.

Of course, when it is necessary to carry out these actions it is better to go to the numerous motorhome areas enabled for the convenience of the traveling community.

What advantages does this new regulation mean for motorhomes and campers?

Although there are still some gaps to cover, these modifications in the General Traffic Regulations open a new path that brings us several advantages, both for travelers and for professionals who are dedicated to this sector:

  • Greater freedom for motorhomes and campers, since the risk of fines decreases considerably, especially in summer, when more problems of this type arise.
  • Safety and comfort, as clear rules apply on parking and waste disposal, a factor that also influences local communities and the environment.
  • Regarding the sector, it is clear that this novelty will boost tourism in motorhomes and campers, increasing vehicle traffic between areas enabled for overnight stays.

As it could not be otherwise, from Autocaravan Areas we will continue to closely monitor future developments. Meanwhile, don't stop traveling through our network of spaces for motorhomes, caravans, campers and minivans. We have more than 100 areas between Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Morocco!

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