
Another way to travel: car-sharing, rental of motorhomes

By: Autocaravan Areas - Published: April 27, 2015

With the first days of heat, the idea of going away on holiday takes strength. What destination to choose? How many days to go? And what is the budget to travel? There are several options: the ship, the airplane, the train, the car or the bus. But not all of them are within the reach of any pocket. Therefore, with the crisis, was born another form of travel.
Appeared several platforms based on what is called economy-collaborative, such as Bla Bla Car. But the supply of this tourism colaborativo, far from disappearing, increased in 2015. And new alternatives, is also low cost, aimed at families and groups of friends.

An example is alkylomimotorhome-15753

This platform was born three years ago in France, with the idea that the owners of rv they could rent them to other individuals for a few days with affordable prices. And, now, has come to Spain in their purpose of conquering, with the time, several countries in Europe.



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